Genevieve & Scott's Granite Bay Backyard Wedding

Genevieve and Scott just purchased this gorgeous property in Granite Bay this summer. Fairly last minute, they decided to hold their wedding on their property because when you have 2 acres (more, less?) of stunning Northern California land to call your own...why not? Their family and friends ambled in dressed in cowboy boots and hats at the request of the bride and groom. Every lady knows that a man looks good in uniform and not only did Scott look fantastic in his hat and boots, but he's also a fire fighter. Nice, huh? ;) My absolute favorite moment of the day was when Scott knelt down to Genevieve's 6 year old daughter during the ceremony and promised his devotion to her as well as her mother. As I write this, I'm looking at a magnet on my fridge that I gave to my dad when I was a little girl and then kept after he died last year. It says, "Anyone can be a father, it takes someone special to be a Daddy". No truer words were ever spoken. Cheers to your wonderful little family!